Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No Hollywood? No Way!

Harry Potter, Twilight Saga, High School Musical, The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of The Rings, Ice Age, Princess Diary, Madagascar...

Wow! What else?
We do love all of those films, right?
I absolutely believe so..

*Hollywood Film*
Who doesn't know it?
Is it you? Impossible.
Is it me? I am terribly sorry, I am not. I know it very much *wink
Is it Directorate General of Taxes of Indonesia?
Honestly... my answer is... "Yeah, I think so."

Recently, Indonesia faces full of news about NO HOLLYWOOD FILMS anymore..
Ya! Hollywood decided to stop distributing Hollywood films in Indonesia.
Hollywood's decision represented by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) took the decision as a protest to the government policies of Indonesia, especially Directorate General of Customs, which charged import duty on imported film distribution rights.

Hollywood will not distribute their films production in Indonesia if the Directorate General of Taxes of Indonesia is not good, and Hollywood's decision shall come into force since Thursday, February 17, 2011. While the film is already in playing, will be withdrawn from circulation.

Ooh, my goodness.. It's really bad actually!
It's same with these words, "Ada Uang Tayang, Tak Ada Uang Tak Tayang"
What's wrong with you, Mr. Directorate General?
Can't we have a little pleasure?
Hollywood film always gives us a new inspiration for ourselves..
It's a good way to have a pleasure for us.
Even for everyone who lives in a big city.
It likes one of the list of our menu for doing something on the weekend.

Okay then.. what will we watch if we don't see any Hollywood films at cinema?
Do you really want to know?
Just read this carefully..

Film Bioskop Indonesia 2011 Yang Akan Tayang  
- rintihan pocong ngesot
- derita si tuyul mohawk
- hantu susu kendor perawan
- kuntilanak mencari bakat
- ada apa dengan pocong
- tragedi kancut berdarah
- misteri hantu sandal jepit swallow
- setan maho
- setan ayam pake saos
- anu setan mencari cinta
- arwah maho mupeng
- hantu datang bulan,mencari pembalut
- kungfu pocong
- jenglot sakit gigi
- hantu keselek duren
- hantu jeruk mandarin
- hantu jeruk nipis
- genderuwo ruang disko
- noda darah kutang berenda
- hantu tanpa kaki mencari sendal
- suster ngesot lari
- selangkangan berdarah
- pocong kawin lari
- beranak dalam toples kerupuk
- dendam penjual gorengan
- bunting diperkosa pocong
- kuntilanak adopsi anak
- misteri hantu kutang hitam
- setan sandal jepit
- dendam tuyul kesetrum
- misteri wanita berjenggot
- ketika tuyul bertasbih
- pocong hamil sebelum nikah
- tuyul botak menculik miyabi
- tali kolor pocong
- villa berlendir
- beranak dari dubur
- hantu cenat-cenut 
Source by: http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2011/02/film-film-di-bioskop-indonesia-yang.html

What do you think after knowing these things?
Nasty? Scary? Horrible? Cheesy?
Good? Nice? Cool? (who believes?)
If someone says so, I believe it because someone is forced or there is no choice to watch..
Just still want to praise God because the pleasure that Indonesian people have now is watching those weird movies.

Hm, for now..
Just be patient for the next decision of our government..
Let's pray for our NATION..

Why it looks bad day by day?
Don't make it always bad actually..
Like what John F. Kennedy said..
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

Let's do something for our country, INDONESIA

See Also..


  1. hai Merry...!!
    dari Jakarta ya?
    salam knl ya...
    sepertinya km doyan nonton film ya, sama kyk aku...

    dah aku follow tuh... follow balik ya...

  2. hi. thanks for dropping by my blog :). In my opinion, this would really be a disturbing news as I'm a movie addict (lol!) and it's undeniable that Hollywood movies are the best out there. For one thing, they can afford to produce such good quality movies. I can pretty much understand why your gov't did this as they probably would want to encourage indonesians to patronize your local movies and this is actually good, but the actions are quite ridiculous. If that's going to cause Hollywood to pull out and stop distributing films in your country, I guess that would do more harm than good.

    God bless!

  3. great information! those films make me cheesy. I don't like it. I love hollywood film. Ohh no!

  4. ini tu cuma akal2an 21 supaya ga bayar pajak. udah tau blom ceritanya?

  5. jadi gini critanya....
    21 itu punya adenya soeharto, nah sejak taun 97 (kalo ga salah) dia ga pernah bayar pajak. jadi pajak film itu ada banyak such as royalty, tapi dia cuma ngebayar pajak yg dipermukaan aja. nah pemerintah waktu itu ga enak buat nagihin ke keluarga cendana. jadi dibiarin gitu aja.

    sampe kita ganti presiden, masih tetep ga ditagih dengan alasan ga enak itu kluarga mantan presiden. sampe soeharto meninggal pun masih ga enak buat nagihnya. nah pas kebetulan yang punya 21 meninggal baru deh pemerintah mau nagih tunggakan pajak dari taun 97. dengan alasan semua yang bikin ga enak udah pada meninggal, oops.

    trus si 21 juga ogah bayar pajak yang terlanjur gede banget, makanya mereka ngeluarin isu kalo film asing bakal ga ada karena pajaknya dinaikin sama pemerintah, secara ga langsung 21 mau nge adu domba pecinta film vs pemerintah vs sineas indo. jadinya kalo pun tar harga tiket 21 naik mereka ga rugi2 banget waktu bayarin pajak ke pemerintah.

    dan 21 itu dari dulu emang musuhan sama blitz. pas baca di kaskus katanya distributor film itu dipegang sama anak perusahaan 21 which is mean 21 itu memonopoli film di indo. sampe2 mereka bikin deal kalo blitz cuma boleh nayangin film hollywood yg juga ditayangin 21. ini yg bikin orang2 bule kesel sama 21. dan gara2 kasus ini keblow up, blitz punya chance buat ngambil film yg mau ditayangin langsung dari amerika tanpa ada perantara lagi.

    maaf ya ga ngasi linknya, soalnya males ngubek-ubek kaskus

  6. Terharu membacanya..
    Wahh, keren ya, kamu tahu banyak..
    Terima kasih Anindy :)
