Friday, March 11, 2011

Good for Us Means Good for God?

God is Good
Everyone is familiar with these words :)
Not only that..
Everyone will also admit with pleasure that it's true!
Hm, after knowing that God is good, so what?
How about ourselves?
Are we good?
Am I good?
Answer this thing only to ourselves.

In one side, be confident is one of good characters of human's self.
So don't worry with yourself.
If you say that you are good. I believe it's true.
If you say that you are not good. It's only because you are so humble.
Everyone is good. Even great!
Because we are created by Him, Our God.

Well, now.. How if we have another thought about this one for a while.
I've ever read this quote..
"I am good, but not as good as I could or should be"
It's great, isn't it?
It has a big meaning that actually each of us has a big talent.
We just need to do our best.
Because sometimes, most people have satisfied with what they have, what they are for now.
Why don't we think that actually God has created us to do a big thing in this world..
Let's do something that it's a good of you.
Let's do something that it's what we should be :)

How about doing something that sometimes we thought it's good for us?
Such as lying for a good cause..
Each of us certainly ever did this thing.
Hm, may we do it constantly?
If the situation insist us to do it, I think we'll think that it's good for us.
How about God? Is it good for God?
Sin is still sin.
My teacher in Junior High School taught me 'Though, it's a small or big sin. It's still a sin for us'
Hm, it's hard, right?
Everything that it's good for us, sometimes we still have to consider whether it's good or not for God.
Considering it is a good, because we live to serve Him, to serve God.
Let's do something good for us and good for God start from now :)

When we put our cares in His hands, He puts His peace in our hearts. ~Author Unknown

Have a good life (^^,)/

See Also