Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chinese and Javanese? We Are Unique!

Indonesia is a country which has so many cultures.
Chinese and Javanese are some cultures that we can see everywhere.
Between Chinese and Javanese culture, it has its own uniqueness.

Unfortunately, the difference between them has made Indonesian people have some stereotypes of each culture.
For example, in Chinese culture, many people from other cultures think that cunning is one of characteristics that Chinese people have. 
Not only that, they think stingy is also a bad character in Chinese people. 

Like me, when I was in junior high school (public school), most of my friends were Javanese, 
and they thought that I was so stingy because I never treated them to eat together, 
or when they knew that I didn’t want to go to the mall with them 
because I always tried to save my money than used it for something that for me it’s not useful anymore.
Different cultures sometimes can make us have wrong perception each other, 
because we have different habits. 
When Javanese people think that Chinese culture is bad for some cases, 
the same thing happened for Chinese people. 
Chinese people think that Javanese culture is bad because they are slow for anything, 
while doing everything quickly is a part of Chinese culture. 
That’s why if you see some Chinese people are fast when they walk, eat, or do something, 
it’s because they don’t like wasting time, while some Javanese people are slow 
when they walk, eat, or do something, it’s because they must pay attention about politeness.

The difference between Chinese and Javanese is something really usual. 
We are in the world that none of us is same. 
Chinese and Javanese have their own reasons why they do their own culture with the different rules. 
That’s why we are unique. 
There’s nothing wrong between Chinese and Javanese culture. 
There’s nothing better between Chinese and Javanese. 
Looking something from the positive side is the way for us to make a better world. 
We needn’t know which one is better. 
We just need to know how to appreciate each other.
It's not only for Chinese and Javanese..
I write this for everyone in this world :)
We are UNIQUE!

Love your uniqueness, guys!  
See Also..


  1. great posting !
    Have u studied about cross cultural understanding ?
    hmmmmmmmmmm.... it's nice also, as an english department, we can share anything.
    already followed u no 102, visit me back hopefully.

  2. great post, Merry. there isn't anything that i can add to it.
