Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Your Best 'Friend' is Your Best 'Enemy'?

Friend Vs Enemy

Which one is better?
I believe that all of us will choose Friend as the best one!
That's true.
Everyone loves to have friends..
And no one loves to have enemies..
In our life, we usually try to have so many friends even to have the only one best friend!
We try to make a good relation with everyone, so we needn't have any conflicts with others..
It's good for sure :)
Have we ever thought about the sides of having friend or enemy?
Everything in this life, it must have two sides. Positive and Negative.
We are not able to judge something that it only has a positive side or a negative side.
We also use it for knowing friends and our enemies.
So, just try to think more about this things.
Two weeks ago, someone told me anything about his feelings because he lost his best friend.
He looked bad actually.
He looked weak.
He said that he didn't know what to do.
He only knew that he was sad.
It made him has a big trauma that no one is able to make him better.
He didn't believe best friend anymore.
Even he said that now his best friend is his best enemy.
I surprised with those words.
How can it be?
It's because your best friend is someone who knows anything about yourself.
Your best friend is someone who knows you well, about your badness and goodness..
So, it will be a damage when both of you are best friends in the conflict 
and then one of you tries to open your badness to others. 
It's really bad actually.
Not only that, we will forget our best friends' goodness quickly.
They will be our best enemies for ever after.
Your best friend is able to sell your secret to everyone..
I see that most of teenagers have it experiences.

How about our true enemies?
Believe it or not, when we have enemies, we won't think much about them.
We just know that they are bad, we hate them and they hate us.
We just think that they are not important and we don't want to know about them.
Your enemies are only know a little about yourself and they only see a negative part of yourself.
It's also bad actually. But, remember that what they tell about us is only the thing they see from outside.
It can be true or false.
Sometimes, it can be a good mirror for us.
Because what they tell to us is something true, but we just don't accept it as a good critic.

So, what do you think about friends and enemies, now?
Is there any differences?
For me, the answer is NO, There is nothing differences between friend and enemy.
We need to have them in our life.

Is it bad? Yes
Is it good? It also Yes
We are able to lost our strength only because of our best friends or our best enemies.
It's only about how do you see your life?

Remember, everything in this life, it must have two sides. 
Positive and Negative
Just balancing your life, by knowing that sides in everything.
In your best friend, even in your best enemy.

Have a nice life ^^

See also...