Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine’s Day is prohibited? Who cares?

In this sweet morning, 
when I woke up from my dream,
Suddenly I got 'one' great message for sure from my friend!

“Today is Valentine’s Day.
Don’t ever celebrate the Valentine’s Day, because actually the meaning of Valentine’s Day is from the death of a pastor named Valentinus on February 14th.”

Well, thank you very much for my beloved friend.
I really appreciated this information because I got a new knowledge from this news.
But… Wow!
Actually I also screamed in my heart, it really surprised me…
Is it important for others to know?
What does it mean?
It means there is no chocolate, there is no flower, there is no gift, or even there is no LOVE?
I believe everyone needs LOVE.
Who is the one who needn’t love?
Is it me? I will answer… NO! I perfectly need it.
Is it you? I believe you will also answer the same thing like me, YOU perfectly need it.
Is it my friend? Of course my friend also needs it. My friend is also a human.
We need LOVE everyday.

Why don’t we have a positive side for a while?
For me, the name of Valentine’s Day is only a name.
And the date of February 14th is also a part of 365 days.
It’s one of the ways for us to spread our love to others…
Actually I still have another side about Valentine’s Day…
Why should we care about the death of the pastor named Valentinus?
May I say that Valentine’s Day is as Merry’s Day or David’s Day or… any others name that you want!
Because the main point here is only about how do we spread our love to others?
Sometimes we feel shy to give a sweet chocolate or
Even a bunch of flowers to someone that you love, you care…
You just don’t know at what time you would like to give it…
Waiting for their birthdays? It’s quite long time for sure.
Valentine’s Day? Cute! What a good idea!
It’s a good time for everyone to share their loves to others, I think.

I am sorry to know that the fact of Valentine’s Day is the death of the pastor.
But… I am happy to know, we have a universal day for spreading our love to others in this cute day…
Valentine’s Day! ooh, no no no..
Merry’s Day! lol
Yes! A chocolate day, a sweet day, wow… yummy!
You know? Even I just know that my friends just become a new couple today.
Valentine’s Day is also the reason for everyone to use this special moment to say ‘I Love U’
So we are able to see new couples in this world.

Well, the last message is…
Love your life in every single day!
Not only at Valentine’s Day for sure!


  1. Great 'blog, Mer.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you too.
    You are absolutely right in your conclusions.

    however, about celebrating the death of the pastor...

    Actually, feast days of saints generally commemorate the date of the saint's death, because that's the date of birth into heaven.

    In the old days of Christianity, there was more focus on preparing to face death, because under Roman rule, most of the time, being a Christian was a capital crime.

  2. wow, this is exciting for me...
    and give us knowledge about Valentine's day...
    "for sure," quoted from Merry...
    "hazzeekkk," quoted from Merry...
    I like it "for sure"

  3. hahaha... yups totally agree. WHO CARES?! people who keep saying if it's prohibit they just poor single and jealousy person who can not celebrate this romantic day.

  4. Thank you for all of you my sweet friends..
    Each of us has our own opinion about Valentine's Day.
    Some may think that it's prohibited.
    That's the culture. I agree with it.
    But in this topic, I just want to talk about this thing deeper, by seeing on the positive side.
    Because someone who didn't celebrate Valentine's Day, it can be poor single and jealously person like what you said, Anindy.. :)

    Just be yourself, guys..
    Thanks for you, Leroy, Bernard and Anindy :D
