Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No Hollywood? No Way!

Harry Potter, Twilight Saga, High School Musical, The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of The Rings, Ice Age, Princess Diary, Madagascar...

Wow! What else?
We do love all of those films, right?
I absolutely believe so..

*Hollywood Film*
Who doesn't know it?
Is it you? Impossible.
Is it me? I am terribly sorry, I am not. I know it very much *wink
Is it Directorate General of Taxes of Indonesia?
Honestly... my answer is... "Yeah, I think so."

Recently, Indonesia faces full of news about NO HOLLYWOOD FILMS anymore..
Ya! Hollywood decided to stop distributing Hollywood films in Indonesia.
Hollywood's decision represented by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) took the decision as a protest to the government policies of Indonesia, especially Directorate General of Customs, which charged import duty on imported film distribution rights.

Hollywood will not distribute their films production in Indonesia if the Directorate General of Taxes of Indonesia is not good, and Hollywood's decision shall come into force since Thursday, February 17, 2011. While the film is already in playing, will be withdrawn from circulation.

Ooh, my goodness.. It's really bad actually!
It's same with these words, "Ada Uang Tayang, Tak Ada Uang Tak Tayang"
What's wrong with you, Mr. Directorate General?
Can't we have a little pleasure?
Hollywood film always gives us a new inspiration for ourselves..
It's a good way to have a pleasure for us.
Even for everyone who lives in a big city.
It likes one of the list of our menu for doing something on the weekend.

Okay then.. what will we watch if we don't see any Hollywood films at cinema?
Do you really want to know?
Just read this carefully..

Film Bioskop Indonesia 2011 Yang Akan Tayang  
- rintihan pocong ngesot
- derita si tuyul mohawk
- hantu susu kendor perawan
- kuntilanak mencari bakat
- ada apa dengan pocong
- tragedi kancut berdarah
- misteri hantu sandal jepit swallow
- setan maho
- setan ayam pake saos
- anu setan mencari cinta
- arwah maho mupeng
- hantu datang bulan,mencari pembalut
- kungfu pocong
- jenglot sakit gigi
- hantu keselek duren
- hantu jeruk mandarin
- hantu jeruk nipis
- genderuwo ruang disko
- noda darah kutang berenda
- hantu tanpa kaki mencari sendal
- suster ngesot lari
- selangkangan berdarah
- pocong kawin lari
- beranak dalam toples kerupuk
- dendam penjual gorengan
- bunting diperkosa pocong
- kuntilanak adopsi anak
- misteri hantu kutang hitam
- setan sandal jepit
- dendam tuyul kesetrum
- misteri wanita berjenggot
- ketika tuyul bertasbih
- pocong hamil sebelum nikah
- tuyul botak menculik miyabi
- tali kolor pocong
- villa berlendir
- beranak dari dubur
- hantu cenat-cenut 
Source by: http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2011/02/film-film-di-bioskop-indonesia-yang.html

What do you think after knowing these things?
Nasty? Scary? Horrible? Cheesy?
Good? Nice? Cool? (who believes?)
If someone says so, I believe it because someone is forced or there is no choice to watch..
Just still want to praise God because the pleasure that Indonesian people have now is watching those weird movies.

Hm, for now..
Just be patient for the next decision of our government..
Let's pray for our NATION..

Why it looks bad day by day?
Don't make it always bad actually..
Like what John F. Kennedy said..
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

Let's do something for our country, INDONESIA

See Also..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chinese and Javanese? We Are Unique!

Indonesia is a country which has so many cultures.
Chinese and Javanese are some cultures that we can see everywhere.
Between Chinese and Javanese culture, it has its own uniqueness.

Unfortunately, the difference between them has made Indonesian people have some stereotypes of each culture.
For example, in Chinese culture, many people from other cultures think that cunning is one of characteristics that Chinese people have. 
Not only that, they think stingy is also a bad character in Chinese people. 

Like me, when I was in junior high school (public school), most of my friends were Javanese, 
and they thought that I was so stingy because I never treated them to eat together, 
or when they knew that I didn’t want to go to the mall with them 
because I always tried to save my money than used it for something that for me it’s not useful anymore.
Different cultures sometimes can make us have wrong perception each other, 
because we have different habits. 
When Javanese people think that Chinese culture is bad for some cases, 
the same thing happened for Chinese people. 
Chinese people think that Javanese culture is bad because they are slow for anything, 
while doing everything quickly is a part of Chinese culture. 
That’s why if you see some Chinese people are fast when they walk, eat, or do something, 
it’s because they don’t like wasting time, while some Javanese people are slow 
when they walk, eat, or do something, it’s because they must pay attention about politeness.

The difference between Chinese and Javanese is something really usual. 
We are in the world that none of us is same. 
Chinese and Javanese have their own reasons why they do their own culture with the different rules. 
That’s why we are unique. 
There’s nothing wrong between Chinese and Javanese culture. 
There’s nothing better between Chinese and Javanese. 
Looking something from the positive side is the way for us to make a better world. 
We needn’t know which one is better. 
We just need to know how to appreciate each other.
It's not only for Chinese and Javanese..
I write this for everyone in this world :)
We are UNIQUE!

Love your uniqueness, guys!  
See Also..

Monday, February 14, 2011

Come to study at Sampoerna School of Education!

News, News, News!
For you guys, I have a great news for you to know.
I am one of the students of Sampoerna School of Education who take English Department as my major.
So here, I just want to share this 'Great Opportunity' for everyone who wants to join to study at Sampoerna School of Education.
Bachelor of Education Program
Academic Year 2011 / 2012

Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) invites SMA, MA or vocational school students, who
  •      Graduate in 2011, or graduated in 2010 and 2009,
  •      Have strong desire to pursue career in education
to continue his / her studies and pursue a Bachelor of Education degree in SSE.
SSE prepares graduates to be a new generation of teachers who are competent and capable of providing positive influences significantly to the advancement of education in Indonesia. Upon graduation they will become competent and capable teachers who teach using various latest development and approaches used globally. They will become the answer of high quality teachers for Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional, National Plus School or International School.
Succesfull applicants, who are qualified and pass the selection process, are eligible to obtain a Student Financing Program to pursue his / her studies in SSE. Our Student Financing Program is uniquely designed to provide an excellent education experience for the students. It is a combination of student soft loan and living allowances.
  •      Student Soft Loan:
o    No interest.
o    No collateral.
o    Payment made after graduation.
o    Flexible installment, defined based upon percentage of salary.

  •      Living Allowances
Living expenses during study at SSE (4 years or 8 semesters) in accordance with applicable provisions.

Choices of Study Program:
  •      S1 Mathematics Education
  •      S1 English Language Teaching Education

Batch 1
Batch 2
Batch 3
Deadline to  submit Application Form
January 22, 2011
April 28, 2011
July 2, 2011

No registration or application fee required.
For any enquiries regarding admission process and procedure, or to obtain the Registration Form please contact : 

Student Recruitment Coordinator
Sasti / Ema
Office                                    :      021 577 2275 Ext. 7285/7287
Call Center                           :       021 4577 4018 / 0858 8234 9553
Email                                    :      emawati@sampoernaeducation.ac.id

Sampoerna School of Education Building 4th Floor
Jl. Kapt. Tendean No. 88C
Jakarta Selatan 12710, Indonesia

For further information
Just click http://www.sampoernaeducation.ac.id

"Together We Can Make A Difference" 
See you at Sampoerna School of Education :)

See Also...

Valentine’s Day is prohibited? Who cares?

In this sweet morning, 
when I woke up from my dream,
Suddenly I got 'one' great message for sure from my friend!

“Today is Valentine’s Day.
Don’t ever celebrate the Valentine’s Day, because actually the meaning of Valentine’s Day is from the death of a pastor named Valentinus on February 14th.”

Well, thank you very much for my beloved friend.
I really appreciated this information because I got a new knowledge from this news.
But… Wow!
Actually I also screamed in my heart, it really surprised me…
Is it important for others to know?
What does it mean?
It means there is no chocolate, there is no flower, there is no gift, or even there is no LOVE?
I believe everyone needs LOVE.
Who is the one who needn’t love?
Is it me? I will answer… NO! I perfectly need it.
Is it you? I believe you will also answer the same thing like me, YOU perfectly need it.
Is it my friend? Of course my friend also needs it. My friend is also a human.
We need LOVE everyday.

Why don’t we have a positive side for a while?
For me, the name of Valentine’s Day is only a name.
And the date of February 14th is also a part of 365 days.
It’s one of the ways for us to spread our love to others…
Actually I still have another side about Valentine’s Day…
Why should we care about the death of the pastor named Valentinus?
May I say that Valentine’s Day is as Merry’s Day or David’s Day or… any others name that you want!
Because the main point here is only about how do we spread our love to others?
Sometimes we feel shy to give a sweet chocolate or
Even a bunch of flowers to someone that you love, you care…
You just don’t know at what time you would like to give it…
Waiting for their birthdays? It’s quite long time for sure.
Valentine’s Day? Cute! What a good idea!
It’s a good time for everyone to share their loves to others, I think.

I am sorry to know that the fact of Valentine’s Day is the death of the pastor.
But… I am happy to know, we have a universal day for spreading our love to others in this cute day…
Valentine’s Day! ooh, no no no..
Merry’s Day! lol
Yes! A chocolate day, a sweet day, wow… yummy!
You know? Even I just know that my friends just become a new couple today.
Valentine’s Day is also the reason for everyone to use this special moment to say ‘I Love U’
So we are able to see new couples in this world.

Well, the last message is…
Love your life in every single day!
Not only at Valentine’s Day for sure!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Being Si Pitung 2011 - Apologize Me!

Si Pitung? Who doesn't know him?
A thief who gave loot for poor people..
Si Pitung 2011? Is it true? Does he come back again? 
Well, not at all.. 
It's ME, actually . .
What? Really? Are you doing the same thing like him? Being a thief?
Hm, I wouldn't admit that I am an absolutely thief.
So, let me tell you the true thing..

Today, I have a big meeting in my college.
There.. we have a lot of snacks for break time.
At the end of the session..
I saw a lot of snacks were still there.
I saw some biscuits and candies there.
No one ate it. 
I know that some of my friends who become lodgers will take it home.
But, I tried to take it by myself before them,
because I thought that giving it to beggar was more important.
I tried to ask my friend to take it some for me.
He did it well.
He didn't even know about my plan.
Though I knew that it's really not good to take something that it's not yours, but..
I tried to be brave for this situation.
Though if someone know about this, I will look like a thief. 
I didn't care actually.
Others need it so much.
My friends who become lodgers have enough foods for their life.
We are more lucky than beggars, friends..
So I've given those snacks to an old woman, a little kid, a street singer, etc.
I often see poor people *beggars on the bus, at terminal Senen, and so on.

Why didn't I be honest?
Hm, being an honest person sometimes is not a good thing for me.
It's impossible for me to tell all of my friends about this plan, right?
I believe that it will make me look like an arrogant person.
No No No..
No one loves if others think that he/ she is an arrogant person.
Though, I believe if I ask my friends to take that snacks to give it to some beggars, to poor kids, they will give me a permission..
I know that all of my friends have a good heart.
They care each other.
And I didn't want to disturb them by asking for permission to do this *like Si Pitung

So here..
I just want to apologize..
Apologize me, my friends, my seniors..
I have done a bad thing.
I have taken some snacks without telling you.
I pray to God for you guys!
So that you can get His blessing..
Because of your kindness
For giving me a permission to give those snacks to others who don't have a good life like us.

God Bless You  (^^,)/
Thank you..
Let's care others by giving a little thing  :)

See Also