Saturday, October 22, 2011

A BIG HI for St. Theresia!

# School Experience Part I
At the first time I knew that the school which would be the place for me to be observed is St. Theresia Senior High School, it has been amazing for me to have that chance. Why? Because St. Theresia had been a place I dreamt to study. It is a national plus school and it has a good culture in being discipline, independent, and studying hard. I love the culture and the situation at that school. So it has been my big chance to observe and even teach great students there because I already had a good mindset about them.
Having a big chance does not mean I may think everything would be easy. As a teacher assistant, I already had a chance to teach the students there for two times (twice).  The master teacher who guides me and two other partners (Elia and Gratika) asked us to make a lesson plan with a good structure and do it very well. It had been a difficult time for our group because the arrangement and the detail of lesson plan we had to make is according to her. So we learned a lot about how to make a very good lesson plan by having lots of details about the activities and the purpose inside it, because in the process we learned that, we had to change the lesson plan again and again, till we knew we were already right.
After finishing the first lesson plan, then we were allowed to teach the students (XI Science-1) . It had been a happy time for me and two other partners because the students paid attention to us when we taught them about ‘analytical exposition text’. The students are seriously smart and critical. During teaching the class we used full English, and giving them some activities. They looked very happy and satisfied; we can see that by looking at the reflection that we asked. The thing that I felt as the difficulty is only one, the students are not easy to be asked to be active in speaking and answering questions, or bring their voice in the class directly. Well, not only that, our master teacher also just allowed us to observe her class once.  So far this all what I am impressed about St. Theresia.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The picture which represents me a lot is one thing, a weed.
No matter how people stand on me,
I will stand up again and again, just like weed.
I am strong; I am cheerful; I am free.
I make your garden gets green (because of me).

I love to be that one!

Your Name: Where All Things is Started

Life is such a big mystery. Sometimes it’s too confusing to talk about where our life was started. One thing I know, name is a part of your big mystery. Your name is meaningful. It was where all things started. When you were born, then your parents would think a lot about your name. It is all about your parents’ hope, your characters, yourself inside your name! Be proud of it!
So, let me tell you more about mine.

My parents gave a word of ‘Merry’ as the name of me. Believe it or not, my name is only one word ‘Merry’ and it was given by my father, my daddy.
Before I write this all, I asked my mother about the history of my name (completely).
No longer then I truly know the history of me! #yeay
So this is where all things of my life started.
My mommy said that I was born at Mekar Sari Hospital on March 18, 1993.
My mother was so great to bear the first child of her (It’s me).
No longer then, my father decided to give me ‘Merry’ as my name.
You know why? Because I was born with many letters of ‘M’
Mekar Sari, March and.. My father thought it’s a western name. He felt that is very good for his first child and I still use it till now!
Not only that. Having Chinese family background made me have this name as well.
The name of Merry means ‘Mei Li’ in Chinese language.
The name of Mei Li means beautiful.
So every single person who uses this name, meaning the person is hoped to be beautiful, gorgeous, and perfect, and my father chose it for me!
Does that mean I am beautiful? That’s your opinion. Just tell me the honest fact. Thanks ;)

So far, I feel really good to use and to have this name. I realized that my name also has another meaning. In English, Merry means Happy. So I am a happy person, am I? Well, I feel it.
This name made me realize why I am always cheerful. That is my world. I love to be free and happy. I love my name. My name is (only) Merry and I don’t want to change my name at all.
It is given, the best given from my parents.
My name is my identity since I was born, till now.
Whether my name ‘Merry’ has been popular to be used, it’s not a big deal.
Even, if I need any addition, I prefer to use ‘Evangeline’ as my last name.
Though I don’t know exactly the meaning of it, I just feel the name of ‘Evangeline’ has a power for me. I found that means you are strong!
Some tell me, it is also related to Evangelist.
Though I am not that kind of people to be an evangelist, it does not matter.
Otherwise, I wish I am able to make my faith gets stronger, to believe in God.
That’s mine.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Digital Media for DIGITAL NATIVES

Reflective Journal II - TLL

Talking about digital media, there are always some characteristics inside it. I love digital media, so I have to know what are the characteristics of it. Reading the article of topic 4 in TLL Module, has let me know what are they. Text, images, audio, video, interactivity, software, feedback, wow! We still have a lot :) Those things are what we usually face in our daily activities. We need those great characteristics in the digital media! Remember, we are digital natives! We are easy to understand the use of technologies.
Then, what would technology be without those characteristics?
I believe, we will get bored! Absolutely.

We, as the digital natives have realized that we need media in order to communicate, to share our thought, our mind, our voice, ourselves!
I love the part of the module, which said 
Communication is at the heart of language teaching and learning.
Yeah! Using technology means it helps us to communicate to others.
It helps us in language teaching and learning *yuhuuu..
Technology is a magic which has come into my life, our life!
We can get lots of information easily.
We can interact to others easily.
We can get any feedback from others easily.
We can distribute any information to digital media easily (as well).

See? How great technologies are!
Sometimes I wonder that computer is smarter than me. I realized that one.
However, in many books I read, they always say human is much better than computer! The one who created computer is a human! Human is always able to learn about computer. Computer is only a smart machine. It is able to be broken (well, I don't want mine to get broken) LOL. 
Whether my computer is smarter than me or not. I love my computer. I am absolutely addicted! And you too #Let's keep it as a secret :)

The characteristics of digital media nowadays have let us get into a modern era.
The information of digital media nowadays is really flexible to be edited, to be used (software), to be mixed (images, video, audio), and even to be plagiarized as well. Hikz -____-"
Our position now as a learner, a teacher, and a digital native needs to make us realize that we have to do something right. It would be embarrassing, once you know that your status as a student is also as a plagiarist. Digital media has helped us a lot in our study, our work, our life!
Then why don't we be thankful and try to appreciate many things we have got?

It's about how you use it :)
Keep Moving Forward, Technology :D