Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Second Language Teachnology

Teaching and Language Learning Reflective Journal I

Many people today tend to master more than one language. No one can deny that being a bilingual will gain some benefits in life. It will make every bilingual can get more knowledge, economical advantages and even a higher social status. That is why many children today are required to learn more than one language in their schools. “Many have proposed that there are advantages to the early introduction of a second language in school.” (Cenoz and Genesee, 1998 in Garcia, 2009)
Knowing this fact, many teachers nowadays are demanded to teach second language to their students by using another way, which is easier to understand. Technology has been a great answer for them till present. Technology still sounds like a *miracle* for helping many teachers in this era in doing teaching second language (esp. English). Technology helps teachers to visualize their materials for students a lot. Teaching is not a kind of telling students the materials by only saying words to students (anymore). Every teacher nowadays is able to use many kinds of technologies, such as computer, projector, tape recorder, or even marker for delivering the materials. It would grab the students' attention for sure. Teaching second language now is familiar with technology. That is why I call it as T-E-A-C-H-N-O-L-O-G-Y. Then, let us make our students get smart understanding about language by using teachnology :)


  1. teaching using technology means teach-nology? ooooo..
    a new idiom for a new day ^^

  2. are you a teacher? technology is a must i think! don't ever lose your spirit..

  3. great article and a great thought

  4. @Loveria : I just feel cool with that idiom :) Teachnology, a technology for doing teaching.. yeay!

    @Anonymous : How are you? Yes, I am a private teacher for my 2 kids and I am a teacher candidate who is learning a lot from my great lecturers at my college :)
    If you don't mind, come and visit me again, and let me visit your great blog too! Feel so grateful you support me a lot! Thanks :)

    @Leroy : How are you kak Lee? Thank you! You are such a kind person ever :) To be honest, this is my reflective journal for my assignment :p And I got this idea to write 200 words as my essay :p

  5. a teacher has to make the students not get bored. teachnology? agree about that.........

  6. I'am standing with Merry, nowadays every teacher has to be able to use technology (oh, oh, or maybe TEACHNOLOGY)or our student will be bored because I think there is big possibility they are not enjoy and interest. As we known, the students today are digital native, everything is about technology. They can't do some or maybe all activities without technology things.
    If you have student, please ask what will you do if all of your electrics things are forbidden to use?

    ehm... I think it will be interesting answer... :)

  7. TEACHNOLOGY...wowwww... sounds really catchy..:))
    btw, what do you think about the teacher who not familiar with the last technology even just computer?

  8. yeah...
    Sometimes, full of technology in our class make me bored...

    How do you solve that??

  9. @Agus: love with your comment! Digital natives could be (feel) difficult to live without any technologies they already have it before :) Will they get killed because of that? hoho, I don't know.. Just wish that all people basically are able to live independently :)

    @Win: Every teacher (like it or not) has to be updated (for me). When they have rights on their work, they also have lots of responsibilities in order to let their students get smart :)

    @Ema: It's about the approach, methodology, and techniques which a teacher uses for students :) Be wise then :)


  10. every thing now is helped by machine ...,, good sihhh, but in the other hand, many people forget their culture.,, :)

  11. Second language is not exactly going to "benefit in life", as nowadays knowledge-economy era has literally pushed people to be more competitive than ever. Hence, mastering only mother-tongue will not be sufficient, second language is deemed as a necessity instead of a luxury. Globalization has taken its place now, especially with free-trade areas are existing everywhere, the need to equip oneself with various languages is imminent. Try reading "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman and "A Whole New Mind" by Daniel Pink.

    On the other hand, the nature of today's learner is digital native, for those who live in the big cities. They live is the same earth, but (at times) "different realms". Make sure you are approaching them in their "native realm", but as a teacher, it's also your job to bring them back to earth. I believe there's nothing wrong with history, or living in less modern world (especially in teaching them about the earth itself). Always prepare surprises for your students, as they will always surprise you.

    Brace yourself, this is going to be a great adventure for life :)
