Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Humanistic Studies – Knowing more about YOU!

Humanistic Studies - Individual Essay I

Once we heard the words of Humanistic Studies, I do believe all of us will think that we are going to study a lot about humans. Then, the next thing to think is have you ever thought why we should learn ‘more’ about humans when we all already know that we are the humans they mean?
One thing which I know very well about the reason of why should I learn Humanistic Studies is because I have a complicated reason, which I got from a roman ‘This Earth of Mankind’ (the best-seller book ever). Read this with all your heart and all your soul, then you’ll find the answer of that WHY?
Jangan anggap remeh si manusia, yang kelihatannya begitu sederhana; biar penglihatanmu setajam elang, pikiranmu setajam pisau cukur, perabaanmu lebih peka dari para dewa, pendengaran dapat menangkap musik dan ratap-tangis kehidupan; pengetahuanmu tentang manusia takkan bakal bisa kemput”  --Bumi Manusia, h. 119

See? Though we are the humans they mean in learning humanistic studies, we need to realize we still do not know about ourselves, or even other’s self. Humans (for me) are the most complicated object to be reasearched. Humans are great to change theirselves, their characters anytime and anywhere they want (meaning it’s us too!). Humans are amazing to adapt their physical environment into human environment (e.g. jungle becomes a city). Humans are the most wonderful creatures in the world, we are the winners which has been born and thank God we are still alive till today!

Well then, do you have any expectations by studying this challenging subject? What’s that?
If you want to know about mine, I myself personally wish a lot for sure! I believe Humanistic Studies will get me to be open-minded and I wish more! I realize by learning this subject I still cannot change the way others’ thinking about stereotyping, majority, minority, etc. That is others’ rights. What I have to do the most is I have to appreciate others more than before. The way I want to change my world is only by one thing, change my thinking first then I will get a new point of view about life. I am proud to be me, and I know you too.

People who live around us (for me) are the special creatures (ever). Whether we get pissed off with someone or get happy a lot because of them, it is a miracle from God. We cannot live only with some people who are the same with us. Never! Though we have the same color of skin, the same religion, the same ethnic, or anything we have to realize we are all actually different! We are all from the different DNA. We are all from the different family background. We all have different characters. Then? What life is about? It is not about the differences of us. It is about how we can appreciate each other to make a better life. Do you think so?


1 comment:

  1. Good posting..........
    My question is, If we are all different, so what, then? Just appreciate others? Appreciation commonly is for such achievement.
    Humanistic Studies and I cannot change anything, only U, Yourself.
    Please actively participate in this class
