Friday, January 14, 2011

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover!

Having new friends is a very good thing for everyone, right?
I believe so.
So, when you meet with a new friend, what'd you like to do?
If you are the active one, may be you will always try to talk with your new friend.
If you are the passive one, may be you will only silent.
Well, it's nice..
There's nothing wrong about who is the active or the passive one.

The thing that we must think is only about what's our opinion about our 'new friend'..
Sometimes when we meet with a new friend,
we tend to avoid someone who is not good looking or someone who is arrogant, or anything that it looks bad even it sounds bad.
But, do we think twice about..
How can we know that our new friend is good or not, arrogant or not?

Well, actually I've felt this thing.
When the first time in college, I met a new friend, she is Elia..
hahaa ..
May be if you are in the same college with me, you can know who is she..

At first, I didn't comfort to speak with her, because she seemed arrogant *that's only my opinion, lol
Then I tried to change my mind, by thinking about don't judge a book by it's cover
Why should I?
Well, it's because I didn't even know about herself, about her life, about her background, or anything about her.
If I were in her position, of course I didn't want if someone thought that I was arrogant, I was bad, bla, bla, bla..

And it made me remember with this quote:
"If I don't like that man, I must know him better" -Benjamin Franklin-
A hard decision actually.. But I believe that it's true..
Who doesn't know Benjamin Franklin? 
He gave a great quote for everyone..

So at that time, I always tried to talk many things with her..
And you know?
That's my great decision..
Finally, I knew that she was not looked like what I thought before.
She is really kind, good, friendly, even smart.
Day by day, I know more about her.
So it makes me learn again ..
My opinion is not always true.
Sometimes, we must think with two sides; the positive and the negative.
If you are only think using one side, may be you will feel there's something wrong, or you won't get the fact.
Because you live with your opinion.
Making a mistake is not a mistake, right?


  1. Pas banget sama pengalaman yang baru aja saya alami dalam dua hari terakhir ini. Bertemu dan berkenalan dengan teman-teman baru dalam sebuah acara.

    Saya termasuk orang yang cukup pasif kalau ngobrol dengan orang lain, termasuk dengan teman baru. Beberapa kali di awal memang menemui kesulitan, but...finally i could handle it.

    Ada pengecualian, kalau lawan bicara saya supel, aktif dan enak diajak ngobrol, entah kenapa saya kepengaruh buat lebih aktif juga ngobrolnya.
    Sebaliknya, kalau lawan bicaranya pendiam, saya malah ngerasa jadi kayak ngebosenin gitu suasananya. Hehe...

    *just share my story :D

    Eh iya, saya sudah follow blog kamu. Follow balik ya...thx.

  2. Wahh, terima kasih ya atas kunjungannya..
    What I write is all about my experiences.. :)
    Senang bgd bisa dapat teman baru yang jago resensi dan saling mem-follow blog ..
    I am waiting for your next writing ya :D
    Thanks .. :D

  3. buat setiap orang hal yang paling mebarik adalah dirinya sendiri... hal tersebut yang selalu aku pegang saat bertemu orang baru...

    cobalah untuk mulai berteman dengan coba mengenal orang tsb dengan tertarik pada dirinya dan kehidupannya...daripada kamu mencoba terlebih dulu membuat dia tertarik pada kehidupanmu..
