Friday, January 14, 2011

Debating: A Bad Moment - A good Opportunity

Have you ever watched 'The Great Debaters'? Are you a debater? Or you are the expert of it?
So, I just want to say 'Congratulations' to you! It makes me admire you ..
But .. If you are the one who can't do debating, you are not alone. You are same with me!

Believe it or not, I've never tried to debate using English. 
During this time, I just learn debate using English in my college. What a pity I am! 
I join debate club in my college because I just know that it will make me have the other skill..
Everyone wants to be better at something or skill that they are bad, right?

So, yesterday I did debate in debate club.
There, I tried to be brave.. though I realize I can not do debating using English. Ouch..!
And the worst thing is I must against my friends who have been very very good at debating. Imagine it!

I didn't know how to against them. But I tried to be confident and confident.
I was as a reply speaker there. Well, it's the first time for me. 
I saw my coach named Mr. Obert Hoseanto gave some instructions for us.
It made me more scared.. hoho.. 
But I was talking in my mind.. 'if they are able to do it, i must be able too', 'come on Merry', 'yeay!', etc.. lol
Well, at that time, I didn't want to give up before trying. I didn't want to have a negative thinking..
According to, 80% kids in Indonesia always think something negative. It's not good, right?
And I am not a kid anymore.

And when it started.. 
I was a part of negative team.
In a team, I had a good senior named kak Namirah Fatmanissa :)
And my partner as the 1st speaker was Ewin, the 2nd was Rina and the 3rd was April..
We did some discussions to collect some data.
I admit that I am also a bad person if suddenly someone asks me about the specific data. 
I just know a common thing, the validity of its data true or not, I am not sure about that.. Hikz..
Though I've tried to always read some newspaper everyday. 
I think I must have a very good memorizing!
Ok. I believe I can. I believe I will. And I believe you are able too..

Well, I will continue my story .. lol
There I was as a silent girl, not as usuall.. ckckck..
And when the debate is started,
I tried to summarize what my friends said as their data.
Most of them were very good for sure..
So, how about me?
When the time was mine..
I was the only one who spoke no more than 2 minutes!
Can you imagine if you were me,
at that time, everyone was look at you.
And the data that I've collected, I mentioned it without elaboration. 
I felt very nervous even it made me wrong to say the words that I've prepared..
I was really shy. I was disappointed with myself.

Then, what do you think of it?
Was it a bad moment? Yes, for me.
Was it a good opportunity? Yes, it also..
Why do I say it was as a good opportunity? 
Well, it's because I have gotten a big lesson for my life.
Though it's just a little thing, a bad moment, it can change my life..
By having a bad moment that it was embarrassing me, 
I learnt how to have a good memorizing, how to adapt my great friends who good at debating, 
If I think twice, I realize that I get great things for my life.
I dare to against my friends, 
I dare to be confident,
I dare to learn a new thing,
I must be thankful to God for this *bad moment.. :)
Because it was my opportunity to make a mistake.
Well, my lecturer in IELL 1 & 2 (the subjects in my college) named Mr. Teguh Khaerudin, said that everyone must make some mistakes because it's a part of learning.
If we never make some mistakes in our life, it means we are not normal .. lol
Well, it made me think, that I must practice everyday. 
Practice my english, my elaboration for debating, yap.. everything I need to be better!
As we know, 'Practice makes Perfect!'

So, this is not only at debating for sure. In the other case, we also feel the same thing.
I think, we can learn how to be wise, every time, every day..

Have a great day!


  1. wow so interesting topic merry !
    it's really nice to be a debater ~
    same with what you feel, i feel not confident when i debate, especially in english.. haha.. but i like your words:
    "if they are able to do it, i must be able too"
    you must say to yourself that you can do it! :)

    you said that, when you debate, you as a silent girl.
    ohhh really? i can't imagine it ! lol
    because actually you are so "cerewet!!" hahahaha

    nice to read your blog.. keep writing! :)

  2. Thank you very much, kak Vani :)

    I see that your blog is more interesting than mine..
    Your blog looks harder because it needs more experiences..
    So I think I must learn from you! Yeay!

    Ya Kak..
    Sometimes I say that words to make me confident, let's talk to our mind, huaaa.. :D
    And the worst thing is I must be a silent girl, because I didn't know what to say, at that time.. My gosh..

    I will wait for your next writing kak :)

    Once again, Mercy! :)

  3. "Setelah gelap terbitlah terang" remember that proverb mer.....

    As the beginner, you are so good, you did good job! never give up.

    Because I was ever in your position, Now, I was still in your current position too.

    So you have friend, now.

    we can lern about debating together....
    OK Mer!
    Together We can make a differences...

  4. Thank you, Andik :)
    You are the Best!
    Ya, I must learn hard to be great like you!
    Mohon bimbingannya ..


  5. Hello friends ...
    Good article, can I learning from you ?
